Friday, June 25, 2010


It is clear to me that we don't care what other people have to say. No matter how important it is, there is always some sort of self indulgent task that the other person must complete that very instant. How can one expect to be heard in such a oblivious, negligent world when all we do is dismiss notions as nonexistent or pertaining to one's self? If you have a problem, and you take the time to explain the situation to someone, shouldn't they at least pretend to listen rather than think that it's not their issue? It just seems that with so many people with so many problems, others would be compassionate enough to listen.

Now if this doesn't strike you right away, think of this: If you go up to a person to ask an opinion of some thing and they don't agree with you, do you take their suggestion into consideration or do you simply remain biased to your own idea? That question can go unanswered. Now why in the first place would you take, or even waste the time of the other person if you knew that you were going to remain steadfast to your opinion? Despite it being reassuring to hear someone agree with you, it is a complete waste to do so. I'm not saying that I haven't done this; I'm just looking for some open-minded people to surround myself with.

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