Saturday, November 20, 2010


Purely from an objective view, I look back on the the greater area that we inhabit and, to my surprise, I find that we seek the most complexity possible. How can someone so intricate and detailed in every way, shape, form, and fashion, discover the next person. Is it not a formidable task to discover oneself? Must we seek to interact with those who we encounter in a day to day setting? I think NOT! But we do. We are sometimes more interested in others that ourselves, or even vice-versa. How do we find this middle, because I am struggling, inverting from one to another. I'm finding it difficult to concentrate on the world and still find times to explore myself. I think, though I have never gone through this before, that I am at a point where self exploration is inexhaustible and better yet, designed to be explored now. Although I have these notions, it doesn't appear they are right. Stop pushing me to explore the world when for the last decade I have been accomplishing that very feat (with limited success). I just want a break, possibly long enough to determine what and who I am/ who I want to be. It's as simple as that. Change is coming. I can feel it.

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